Aditi Sharma



Aditi Sharma

Aditi Sharma has worn many hats in her career—researcher, consultant, strategist, and advocate—each role driven by a mission to create social impact. As the Program Manager at Amplify Her Foundation, Aditi channels her passion for leadership development, gender equity, and inclusivity into every project she leads. With empathy and a strategic mindset, she leverages the power of storytelling to elevate Amplify Her’s community programs, enhance partnerships, and drive new advocacy efforts. As a woman of color, Aditi's personal experiences profoundly shape her approach to creating pathways for leadership and equal opportunity for girls and women across New York City.

Aditi’s previous roles have taken her from New York University, where she supported an array of development research projects and built local and global client partnerships, to the heart of Ghana, where she conducted a high-impact consultancy project aimed at improving water service delivery through policy analysis to forge transformative solutions. These experiences have reinforced her love for problem-solving, cross-cultural communication, and social innovation.

Aditi holds a Master of Public Administration in Policy & Nonprofit Management, specializing in International Development, from New York University, and a Bachelor of Health Sciences from McMaster University. 

Currently residing in Brooklyn, Aditi is an explorer at heart—whether it’s discovering local hidden gem coffee shops, learning a new dance routine, or watching a basketball game. Her personal and professional life is driven by a commitment to shaping an equitable world and nurturing spaces where diverse voices can thrive.


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