A festive evening of networking, cocktails and connecting, as the WOC Community celebrates together in-person.*
WOC Around the World brings our community together in-person for a festive evening of networking and connecting.
We cannot wait to see you!
Upcoming Events
WOC Around the World 2024 has now concluded. Thank you to our community for joining us and to our sponsors for your continued support.
Stay tuned for future dates!
*WOC Around the World event guests are asked to adhere to WOC’s Covid safety policies. Read our full policy.
Vaccination and face masks required for entrance to event.
Snapshots From on the Road

Our Sponsors

Our Partner

COVID-19 Safety Response
*WOC Around the World event guests are asked to adhere to WOC’s Covid safety policies. Read our full policy.
Vaccination and face masks required for entrance to event.