Proposed Tax Plans in the Elections 2020

Piggy bank and coins on white table

Understanding the tax plans put forth by the Presidential candidates is important for two reasons—increasing your knowledge as a voter and providing insights into charitable giving in 2021 and beyond. WOC is happy to share special insights from two of our partners Wells Fargo Private Bank, WOC's financial literacy sponsor, and BNY Mellon. Each of these major financial institutions prepared important publications on the topic.

For Wells Fargo, we have Guide to the 2020 Elections: Potential Impacts on Policy and Portfolios. Wells Fargo will also dive deeper into the subject matter during the November 17th WOC Symposium.

Then, from BNY Mellon, we offer Politics, Portfolios and Planning, which was released in conjunction with a recent webinar conducted for its high-net-worth clients.

BNY Mellon and Wells Fargo shared these documents with us in support of who we are as a community and in recognition of the important work we do. We encourage you to read through the summaries to learn more about the particulars of each tax plan in preparation for voting and to potentially guide your solicitation and giving strategies in the future.  


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