Call for Mentors

Call for Mentors: Guide a rising professional of color  in our Mentor Match™ 2023 co-hort.

Can you remember your early days in the field? What would you tell your younger self? 

Our most promising rising professionals have asked to have an experienced leader like you support them in their professional trajectory. Similarly, as our sector and the world continue to evolve, understanding the newer generation's profile, digital engagement, and early career development is of immense value to more experienced members and employers in our sector. 

We are delighted to invite you to this special opportunity to engage with the WOC community on a deeper level, as well as pay it forward regarding the valuable lessons you’ve learned and can impart to an emerging professional woman of color. This is not a heavy lift, but you can be as involved as you feel comfortable being. We simply ask the following of our Mentor Match mentors:

  • One meeting via phone, video, and/or in person (if you feel comfortable) every other month with your mentee.

In return, you will receive:

  • access to our library of mentor resources; 

  • fellowship events with the entire cohort of Mentors, Mentees, and Check-in Chicas throughout the year; 

  • genuine, authentic, and rewarding engagement; 

  • expansion of your network; and 

  • creativity, fun, and improvisation.  

Our mentees are eager and excited for the upcoming year, and we hope that you are, too. Please reply to to learn more and join this community. 

Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to hearing from you!


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