Episode 06 - Women’s History Month 2022
Episode Guide
Caroline joins us to impart her expertise on leadership and how to grow your fundraising career as a woman of color. She also speaks to us about her experiences in the workplace as a Korean-American woman.
Episode Highlights
Getting to the Board Room
Make it known/share your interest that you want a seat at the table.
Do not wait until you’re fully confident to apply to serve. Take small steps to forward your goal.
Review your experience and skills. Use your curiosity to start conversations.
Make yourself “helpable” — be open to receiving help and asking for help.
You do not need to go at it alone and you cannot succeed without the help from others.
Uplifting other marginalized communities/identities
If you’re at the table or in a position of power, use your power to uplift marginalized communities/identities.
E.g. Ensuring that organizations remain committed to their DEI pledges
Connect with white allies on where you need support
E.g. The need for more women of color in leadership positions
Career and personal development for women of color
Work on your own internal biases and be able to recognize systemic issues
Address the voices in your head that informs your views, which includes Imposter Syndrome.
Systemic issues can include leadership advice that do not work for women of color due to racial stereotypes.
You will not be able to tackle every issue so choose what you have the capacity for.
“Leadership is half about people and half about getting things done.”
Learn and define your boundaries.
Devote time to sit within yourself to reflect on your goals and your progress
E.g. journaling, coaching, etc.
Caroline Kim Oh
Executive and Leadership Coach, OK Coaching & Consulting
Yolanda F. Johnson
Founder, Women of Color in Fundraising and Philanthropy (WOC)®
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OK Coaching & Consulting
“Caroline is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) and ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and a certified administrator in The Leadership Circle Profile and DiSC assessments.”
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About Our Guests
Caroline Kim Oh, Executive and Leadership Coach, OK Coaching & Consulting
Caroline Kim Oh is an executive and leadership coach with a focus on BIPOC and women leaders in diverse fields, including social impact, marketing, creativity, entrepreneurship, and technology. Caroline is especially energized by supporting her clients to become confident and high-performing leaders while enjoying the right mix of work-life-fulfillment ratios. Caroline also advises senior leadership teams, facilitates team retreats and meetings for client organizations, and provides group coaching for Chief, a private network of senior women executives. Caroline is also a trainer with the Paradox of Leadership, a boutique leadership company.