What’s New with WOC: Year-End 2022

Woman of color writing in her notebook

2022 is coming to end and our Symposium concluded but wait— we still have some exciting releases for you!

Holiday cheer is around the corner and while year-end fundraising is full speed ahead, we want to remind you that we’re here to support you and to stay connected.

Here are five ways to engage the WOC Community:



1. Radiant Leadership Institute 2023

Sitting on a board means you have the power to steer an organization towards positive change. We’re going on our third year of empowering our community to becoming board-ready.

Applications* for our 2023 co-hort are now open and will close on December 31st.

*Open and exclusive to all WOC members.

Radiant Leadership Institute

Radiant Leadership Institute 2023



2. Illuminations - WOC Impact Report 2022

Another year has come and gone- here’s a recap of our journey with the WOC Community this past year.

Illuminations - WOC Impact Report 2022

Illuminations - WOC Impact Report 2022



3. Career Match by WOC™

Job searching is daunting but we’re stepping up to make the process easier by pairing women of color directly with recruiters seeking talent to make placements. We’re also setting up our community for success with resume review and coaching.

If you’re looking to make a move, join* our Career Match program.

*Open and exclusive to all WOC members.

Black woman recruiter reviewing resume with Latina executive.

Career Match by WOC™



4. Mentor Match™

Whether you’re looking to uplift a woman of color in fundraising and philanthropy or growing your career under the guidance of a leader in our field, we’re matching* our Community for a successful 2023.

Applications close on December 30th.

*Open and exclusive to all WOC members.

Mentor Match™

Mentor Match™



5. Check-in Chicas™

Find an executive accountability partner to further your career growth in 2023.

Applications close on December 30th.

*Open and exclusive to all WOC members.

Check-in Chicas™

Check-in Chicas™



6. WOC Literary Society

Our book club* is gearing up to meet for discussion on January 26. If you’re a book lover, looking to delve into deeper conversation with the community, join the WOC Literary Society.

This first book on the list is Right Within: How to Heal from Racial Trauma in the Workplace by Minda Harts.

*Open and exclusive to all WOC members.

Right Within: How to Heal from Racial Trauma in the Workplace by Minda Harts

WOC Literary Society



7. 2022 Allies Give and WOC Gives Back

This year we are amplifying the work and the voices of organizations whose focus is on battling food insecurity.

*Open and exclusive to all WOC members.

2022 Allies Give and WOC Gives Back

2022 Allies Give and WOC Gives Back


The Latest with WOC


Merry Christmas from WOC!


2022 Allies Give and WOC Gives Back