Wednesday, September 23, 2020
2:00 PM ET
Open to the Public
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the philanthropic landscape in unimaginable ways. CCS Fundraising Vice President Leigh Taublib-Kiriat will share data on giving trends during the first six months of the pandemic in the United States and offer a glimpse into the future of philanthropy as the repercussions of the virus unfold. Leigh will share relevant and practical guidance for recalibrating fundraising and giving programs to reflect our evolving reality. Please join us for this timely look into the nonprofit sector!
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Leigh Taublib-Kiriat, Vice President at CCS Fundraising
Leigh Taublib-Kiriat has more than a decade of experience working with and within nonprofit organizations across various sectors. She specializes in strategic development planning, capital and endowment campaign design and management, board of director growth strategy, major gift fundraising, and advancement office management. As a Vice President at CCS, Leigh provides counsel and expertise to leading nonprofit institutions in the healthcare, academic, religious, and cultural arenas, where she partners with clients to set ambitious goals and achieve impactful results.